

Biopolymers - How attractive is the market and where to invest

Against the back­drop of glo­bal plas­tic pol­lu­tion and in­cre­asing ESG ef­forts in the po­ly­mer sec­tor, bio­plas­tics such as po­ly­lac­tic acid (PLA) and po­ly­lac­tide gly­co­lic acid (PLGA) made from re­ne­wable raw ma­te­ri­als have re­cei­ved in­cre­asing at­ten­tion in re­cent years due to their ad­van­ta­ge­ous CO2 foot­print.

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Howe­ver, the ma­tu­rity of the ap­pli­ca­tion dif­fers si­gni­fi­cantly bet­ween di­verse in­dus­try groups.

Join us in a 45 min webi­nar on the to­pic of bio­po­ly­mers, in which we ex­amine cur­rent mar­ket trends and ana­lyze the in­dus­tries of cos­me­tics, elec­tro­nics, me­di­cal tech­no­logy, au­to­mo­tive, 3D prin­ting and pa­cka­ging along the Gart­ner Hype Cy­cle in terms of their mar­ket ma­tu­rity. We will also take a brief look at the pro­fi­ta­bi­lity of bio­po­ly­mer ma­nu­fac­turers as well as op­por­tu­nities for growth and in­vest.

Our ex­clu­sive event for­mat of­fers you an ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­nity to find out about cur­rent trends in the bio­po­ly­mer in­dus­try and the­reby ge­ne­rate mar­ket awa­ren­ess and in­te­res­ting new in­sights. Af­ter our short pre­sen­ta­tion, you will also have the op­por­tu­nity to ex­change ideas with other par­ti­ci­pants and in­dus­try ex­perts from the po­ly­mer in­dus­try.

Re­serve your place for the Bio­po­ly­mers webi­nar on May 15th, 2024 and re­gis­ter now.

The webi­nars are held using Go­To­We­bi­nar. Par­ti­ci­pants need a PC with an in­ter­net con­nec­tion. Al­ter­na­tively, you can re­ceive the au­dio via te­le­phone dial-in to the con­fe­rence.

Par­ti­ci­pa­tion is free of charge for you.