Ebner Stolz advises MotorK Plc on the acquisition of WebMobil24

  • European SaaS provider for the automotive retail industry MotorK Plc acquires WebMobil24
  • The acquisition fits perfectly into the Group’s growth strategy and marks a decisive step in the development of MotorK's European footprint
  • Ebner Stolz supported the transaction on the buyer side with a financial and tax due diligence as well as SPA support

Stuttgart, 3 August 2022 - The audit and consulting firm Ebner Stolz has assisted MotorK Plc (MotorK) in the acquisition of the German software provider company WebMobil24 with a financial and tax due diligence.

Euronext-listed MotorK Plc is a major player in the automotive sales and marketing technology field. Being a leader in Europe with over 90% of car brands in the European marketplace, MotorK empowers car manufacturers and dealers to improve their customer experience through a broad suite of fully integrated digital products and services. MotorK provides its customers with an innovative combination of digital solutions, SaaS cloud products and the largest R&D department in the digital automotive industry in Europe. With its unique vertical expertise, it employs over 400 personnel members in its 11 offices across 8 countries.

Founded in 2000, WebMobil24 is an established software provider of stock management solutions and e-commerce platforms to nearly 10,000 automotive dealers and OEMs. The company provides car dealers and manufacturers with a complete suite of digital solutions focused on three areas (i) vehicle marketplace for private customers and automotive dealerships, (ii) IT solutions for automotive producers and services providers; as well as (iii) comprehensive services for online vehicle trading.

The acquisition fits perfectly into MotorK's growth strategy and accelerates growth in Germany, Europe's largest automotive market, through WebMobil24's extensive knowledge and established presence. The solid relationships with leading OEMs in Germany, such as Opel, Suzuki and Kia, of WebMobil24 will help MotorK expand its client base as well as enable attractive cross-sell opportunities for MotorK's SparK Platform.

Ebner Stolz provided comprehensive financial and tax due diligence advice and SPA support to MotorK in connection with the transaction.

Team Ebner Stolz: Dr. Christoph Eppinger (Partner, Financial Due Diligence), Florian Seizer (Project Lead, Financial Due Diligence), Vanessa Wagner (Financial Due Diligence), Alexander Euchner (Partner, Tax Due Diligence), Tobias Schupp (Tax Due Diligence)


Janina Nußbaumer
Ebner Stolz
Ridlerstraße 57
80339 München
Tel. +49 711 2049-2956


Dr. Christoph Eppinger
Ebner Stolz
Kronenstraße 30
70174 Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 2049-0000

About Ebner Stolz

Eb­ner Stolz is one of the lar­gest in­de­pen­dent mid-mar­ket au­diting and con­sul­ting firms in Ger­many and ranks among the top ten in the in­dus­try. The firm has de­ca­des of in-depth ex­pe­ri­ence in au­diting, tax con­sul­ting, le­gal con­sul­ting and ma­nage­ment con­sul­ting. This broad spec­trum is of­fe­red by 1,900 em­ployees in the ty­pi­cal mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary ap­proach in all ma­jor Ger­man ci­ties and busi­ness cen­ters. As a mar­ket lea­der in the SME sec­tor, the firm pri­ma­rily ser­ves mid-si­zed in­dus­trial, com­mer­cial and ser­vice en­ter­pri­ses of all si­zes and in every sec­tor.

Eb­ner Stolz con­ducts cross-bor­der au­dit and con­sul­ting en­ga­ge­ments to­ge­ther with part­ners from Ne­xia In­ter­na­tio­nal, one of the world's ten lar­gest net­works of con­sul­ting and au­diting firms. Th­rough Ne­xia, Eb­ner Stolz is re­pre­sen­ted in over 125 coun­tries with 790 of­fices.