
The Firm

Alexander Sobanski

Certified Public Auditor (Germany), Certified Tax Advisor (Germany)

Alexander Sobanski, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, Ebner Stolz, Kronenstraße 30, 70174 Stuttgart


Location Stuttgart
Kronenstraße 30
70174 Stuttgart

Tel. +49 711 2049-1255
Fax +49 711 2049-1125

Areas of expertise

  • Au­dit and tax ad­vi­sory of me­dium-si­zed cor­po­rate groups
  • Com­pany va­lua­ti­ons, es­pe­cially in the case of struc­tu­ral mea­su­res un­der stock cor­po­ra­tion law
  • Ex­pert opi­ni­ons in ju­di­cial and ex­tra­ju­di­cial pro­cee­dings
  • Fair­ness opi­nion
  • In­ter­na­tio­nal ac­coun­ting
  • Data ana­ly­sis and di­gi­tiza­tion