
Management Consulting

Best of Consulting 2016: Ebner Stolz takes 1st Place in the ‘Restructuring’ Category

Best of Consulting 2016: Panel of experts from WirtschaftsWoche puts Ebner Stolz in top spot

A pa­nel of ex­perts has cho­sen Eb­ner Stolz as the win­ner of Wirt­schafts­Wo­che ma­ga­zine’s “Best of Con­sul­ting 2016” com­pe­ti­tion in the ‘Pro­ject Ex­cel­lence Re­struc­tu­ring’ ca­te­gory. At the award ce­re­mony in Dus­sel­dorf on No­vem­ber 15, 2016, Mar­tin Tschoch­ner ac­cep­ted the award on be­half of the in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary Eb­ner Stolz team.

Held in 2016 for the se­venth time, the com­pe­ti­tion awards pri­zes to Ger­many’s best con­sul­ting firms in the ca­te­go­ries of Re­struc­tu­ring, Com­pe­ti­tion Stra­tegy, Supply Chain Ma­nage­ment, Fi­nan­cial and Risk Ma­nage­ment, M&A, Mar­ke­ting & Sa­les, and IT Ma­nage­ment and is one of the most pres­ti­gious pri­zes on the Ger­man con­sul­ting scene.

Eb­ner Stolz re­cei­ved the Best of Con­sul­ting award for its sup­port in the stra­te­gic re­struc­tu­ring of HEI­DE­MARK, Ger­many’s lea­ding tur­key pro­du­cer and pro­ces­sor. At the time Eb­ner Stolz was en­ga­ged, HEI­DE­MARK was a com­plex group of com­pa­nies that had ex­pe­ri­en­ced ra­pid growth, with re­ve­nue of EUR 700 mil­lion, over 2,000 em­ployees, and 85 en­ti­ties. By con­cen­tra­ting on the suc­cess­ful ele­ments of the busi­ness mo­del and op­ti­mi­zing va­lue crea­tion, re­ve­nue-boos­ting con­so­li­da­tion was achie­ved in 24 months and the scene was set for the com­pany’s con­ti­nued de­ve­lop­ment in­clu­ding the in­ten­ded suc­ces­sion plan.

This award fol­lows on from Eb­ner Stolz’s suc­cess in 2015, when the con­sul­tants took third place in the same ca­te­gory for pro­vi­ding ad­vice and sup­port to Land­gard, Ger­many’s lea­ding mar­ke­ter of flowers and plants, as well as fruit and ve­ge­ta­bles.

This year, the dis­tin­gu­is­hed jury in­clu­ded Dr. Ul­rich Be­cker (Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor, UBS), Dr. Wolf­gang Col­berg (Part­ner, CVC Ca­pi­tal Part­ners), Dr. Chris­tian Lan­ger (Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor, Luft­hansa Tech­nik Lo­gis­tik Ser­vices GmbH), and Alex­an­der Meyer auf der Heyde (Head of In­house Con­sul­ting, Bayer Group).

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