


Lo­ca­ted in the middle of the mea­dows flan­king the Rhine, our Bonn of­fice has 55 staff waiting to wel­come you. Near the Rhein­aue lei­sure park, we of­fer new ent­rants a place on our in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary teams of au­di­tors and tax ad­vi­sors. With per­fect re­gio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal tra­vel con­nec­tions, our of­fice can be ea­sily re­ached by car or by pu­blic trans­port. Enjoy the lo­ca­tion di­rectly on the banks of the Rhine du­ring a lunch-time walk or vi­sit one of the many re­stau­rants in Bon­ner Bo­gen.

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