


Our Co­lo­gne of­fice ser­ves all busi­ness lines and the­re­fore of­fers new ent­rants a wide va­riety. Our at­trac­tive lo­ca­tion, just a few mi­nu­tes from the main train sta­tion pro­vi­des ex­cel­lent traf­fic con­nec­tions. Look for­ward to a di­verse range of things to do du­ring your lunch break or a walk along the Rhine har­bor, a sha­red lunch in the can­teen or the sports of­fe­red in the of­fice. Last but not least, our an­nual car­ni­val party on Wei­ber­fast­nacht is a key ele­ment of life in Co­lo­gne.

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