
Legal Advice

Real Estate Law

Com­mer­cial and re­si­den­tial real es­tate has an im­port­ant role to play, not least of all be­cause of its va­lue and the large amount of ca­pi­tal it ties up. At the same time, plan­ning, buil­ding, ma­na­ging and mar­ke­ting pro­perty is a com­plex sub­ject. That’s also re­flec­ted in the le­gal si­tua­tion – very fa­mi­liar ter­ritory for our at­tor­neys on the real es­tate team.

No mat­ter whe­ther you’re hol­ding real es­tate to safe­guard ca­pi­tal, in­ves­ting in a real es­tate com­pany or real es­tate fund, or run­ning a real es­tate busi­ness, we can ad­vise you on every le­gal as­pect of real es­tate tran­sac­tions and in­vest­ments. That in­clu­des not just sa­les, purcha­ses, de­ve­lop­ment and mar­ke­ting, but also or­ga­ni­zing spe­cial forms of fi­nan­cing for real es­tate and real es­tate pro­jects.

Our in­dus­try-ori­en­ted, multi-di­sci­pli­nary ap­proach enab­les our real es­tate at­tor­neys to take cor­po­rate and tax law into ac­count as they re­solve real es­tate is­sues, which helps them find the best so­lu­tion for you.

Our services at a glance

  • Le­gal struc­tu­ring of in­vest­ment and ac­qui­si­tion pro­ces­ses
  • Foun­ding spe­cial-pur­pose ve­hi­cles and ac­qui­si­tion ve­hi­cles
  • Le­gal due di­li­gence
  • Draf­ting and ne­go­tia­ting real es­tate con­tracts, in­clu­ding
    • Pro­perty and in­heri­ta­ble buil­ding rights agree­ments (as­set deals)
    • Share purchase agree­ments (share deals)
    • Joint ven­ture agree­ments and other or­ga­niza­tio­nal agree­ments
    • Fi­nan­cing and col­la­te­ral agree­ments
    • Lea­ses
    • As­set, pro­perty and fa­ci­lity ma­nage­ment agree­ments
    • Prime-con­trac­tor and ge­ne­ral-con­trac­tor agree­ments
    • Agree­ments bet­ween neigh­bors
  • Con­sul­ting on con­struc­tion and plan­ning law for real es­tate pro­jects
  • IPO con­sul­ting, de­sign of REITs
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