


In our Düssel­dorf of­fice in the state ca­pi­tal of North Rhine West­pha­lia our con­sul­tants and ad­vi­sors stand re­ady to serve our cli­ents and pro­vide a wide range of op­por­tu­nities to new pro­fes­sio­nals in va­rious di­sci­plines. Thanks to our cen­tral lo­ca­tion close to the main train sta­tion and ne­arby un­der­ground and sub­ur­ban rail, you have great con­nec­tions at hand. Spend your lunch break on our large roof ter­race or with your col­lea­gues in the re­stau­rant. You can look for­ward to working in the Rhine Ri­ver me­tro­po­lis.

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