
The Firm

Ebner Stolz advises Dialog Semiconductor on their acquisition of Creative Chips

  • Dia­log Se­mi­con­duc­tor ac­qui­res the Ger­man com­pany Crea­tive Chips
  • The tran­sac­tion is part of a new in­itia­tive by Dia­log to en­ter the In­dus­trial In­ter­net of Things (IIoT) se­mi­con­duc­tor mar­ket
  • Eb­ner Stolz pro­vi­des buy-side Fi­nan­cial and Tax Due Di­li­gence sup­port as well as SPA ad­vice

Stutt­gart, 16th Oc­to­ber 2019 – The au­diting and con­sul­ting firm Eb­ner Stolz ad­vi­sed Dia­log Se­mi­con­duc­tor plc (Dia­log) on its ac­qui­si­tion of Crea­tive Chips GmbH by pro­vi­ding Fi­nan­cial and Tax Due Di­li­gence ser­vices.

Dia­log Se­mi­con­duc­tor plc, a com­pany lis­ted on the Frank­furt Stock Ex­change, ac­qui­red 100% of the sha­res in Crea­tive Chips GmbH. Dia­log is a lea­ding pro­vi­der of power ma­nage­ment, char­ging, AC/DC power con­ver­sion, Wi-Fi and Blue­tooth low en­ergy tech­no­logy.

Crea­tive Chips is a Ger­man fa­bless se­mi­con­duc­tor com­pany with a gro­wing In­te­gra­ted Cir­cuits (IC) busi­ness supp­ly­ing a broad port­fo­lio of in­dus­trial Ether­net and other mi­xed-si­gnal pro­ducts to top-tier, blue-chip ma­nu­fac­turers of in­dus­trial and buil­ding au­to­ma­tion sys­tems. Crea­tive Chips is head­quar­te­red in Bin­gen close to Frank­furt am Main with an ad­di­tio­nal de­sign cen­tre in Dres­den.

The tran­sac­tion al­lows Dia­log to es­ta­blish its­elf as a pro­ven supplier that is well-po­si­tio­ned to cap­ture the si­gni­fi­cant growth po­ten­tial of the In­dus­trial In­ter­net of Things (IIoT) se­mi­con­duc­tor mar­ket. It also pro­vi­des Dia­log with a rich port­fo­lio of core IC pro­ducts.

Eb­ner Stolz team: Katja Hägele (Pro­ject ma­na­ging Part­ner Tran­sac­tion Ad­vi­sory Ser­vices, Lead Fi­nan­cial Due Di­li­gence), Be­ne­dict Fre­ely (Fi­nan­cial Due Di­li­gence), Alex­an­der Eu­ch­ner (Part­ner M&A Tax, Tax Due Di­li­gence) and An­dreas For­rai (Tax Due Di­li­gence)

Press Contact

Dr. Ul­rike Höreth
Eb­ner Stolz
Kro­nen­straße 30
70174 Stutt­gart
Tel.  +49 711 2049-1371

Corporate Contact

Katja Hägele
Eb­ner Stolz
Kro­nen­straße 30
70174 Stutt­gart
Tel.  +49 711 2049-1442

Alex­an­der Eu­ch­ner
Eb­ner Stolz
Kro­nen­straße 30
70174 Stutt­gart
Tel.  +49 711 2049-1575

About Ebner Stolz

Eb­ner Stolz is one of the lar­gest inde­pen­dent mid-si­zed MDP firms in Ger­many and is among the Top Ten in the sec­tor. The firm has deca­des of in-depth expe­ri­ence in audi­ting, tax ad­vice, le­gal ad­vice, and cor­po­rate con­sul­ting. More than 1,500 emp­loyees in all ma­jor Ger­man ci­ties and busi­ness cen­ters of­fer a broad range of ser­vices ba­sed on a multi-dis­ci­p­li­nary ap­proach. Eb­ner Stolz pre­do­mi­n­antly advi­ses me­dium-si­zed indu­s­trial en­ter­pri­ses as well as trade and ser­vice com­pa­nies of all si­zes and indu­s­tries.

Cross-bor­der audi­ting and con­sul­ting as­sign­ments are car­ried out with part­ners of Ne­xia In­ter­na­tio­nal, one of the world’s top ten net­works of inde­pen­dent con­sul­ting and audi­ting firms. With more than 700 Ne­xia of­fices world­wide Eb­ner Stolz is pre­sent in more than 120 coun­tries.

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