
The Firm

Ebner Stolz advises MAJA-Maschinenfabrik Hermann Schill on the sale to Icelandic Marel-Group

  • MAJA will contri­bute its range of in­no­va­tive food pro­ces­sing ma­chinery to the Ice­lan­dic lis­ted Ma­rel-Group
  • Hereby Ma­rel plans to fur­ther strengt­hen its glo­bal mar­ket pre­sence
  • Ma­nage­ment team around the ma­na­ging share­hol­ders Rein­hard and Joa­chim Schill will re­main wi­thin the com­pany
  • Eb­ner Stolz pro­vi­ded a Fi­nan­cial and Tax Fact­book as well as ex­ten­sive Sell Side Sup­port

Mu­nich, 16th Au­gust 2018 - The Ac­coun­ting and Con­sul­ting firm Eb­ner Stolz ad­vi­sed the ow­ner-ma­na­ged MAJA-Ma­schi­nen­fa­brik Her­mann Schill on the sale of the com­pany to the Ice­lan­dic lis­ted Ma­rel-Group. Eb­ner Stolz sup­por­ted MAJA with the pre­pa­ra­tion of a Fi­nan­cial and Tax Fact­book as well as with ex­ten­sive Sell Side Sup­port.

Since its foun­da­tion in 1955, MAJA-Ma­schi­nen­fa­brik Her­mann Schill GmbH & Co. KG has been a highly in­no­va­tive ma­nu­fac­turer of food pro­ces­sing ma­chinery, spe­cia­li­zing in skin­ning and por­tio­ning with main fo­cus on the meat mar­ket as well as ice ma­chi­nes for the pre­sen­ta­tion of fresh food. Ba­sed in Kehl-Gold­scheuer in Ger­many, on a group le­vel MAJA has around 200 em­ployees and ge­ne­ra­ted re­ve­nues of about EUR 30 mil­lion in 2017.

The pro­ven MAJA ma­nage­ment team around the bro­thers and ma­na­ging share­hol­ders Rein­hard and Joa­chim Schill will re­main wi­thin the com­pany.
“To­ge­ther with Ma­rel and with our high qua­lity and in­no­va­tive pro­duct port­fo­lio, we be­lieve that we can add more va­lue to our glo­bal cu­st­omers, part­ners and em­ployees by of­fe­ring a com­pre­hen­sive and cut­ting edge pro­duct and ser­vice port­fo­lio. To­ge­ther we will play an even more im­port­ant role in the in­ter­na­tio­nal mar­kets for skin­ning/der­in­ding, por­tion con­trol sli­cing and ice ma­king so­lu­ti­ons.“, says Rein­hard Schill.
Joa­chim Schill adds: “For me and my bro­ther, the sale of the com­pany to Ma­rel is an op­ti­mal suc­ces­sion so­lu­tion also for our qua­li­fied em­ployees at the Kehl-Gold­scheuer lo­ca­tion. As part of the glo­bal Ma­rel-Group, we have ideal con­di­ti­ons to mas­ter the glo­bal chal­len­ges and eco­no­mic con­di­ti­ons in our tar­get mar­kets and to of­fer our em­ployees a stable fu­ture.“, adds Joa­chim Schill.

Ice­lan­dic Ma­rel HF is the world’s lea­ding pro­vi­der of ad­van­ced pro­ces­sing sys­tems and ser­vices to the poul­try, meat and fish in­dus­tries with an­nual re­ve­nues of EUR 1,038 mil­lion in 2017. Ma­rel in­vests around 6% of re­ve­nues in re­se­arch and de­ve­lop­ment an­nually, which trans­la­ted into EUR 58 mil­lion in 2017. Ma­rel’s full-line ap­proach in­clu­des stan­da­lone equip­ment, in­di­vi­dual sys­tems and full pro­duc­tion lines all con­trol­led and in­te­gra­ted with In­nova, Ma­rel’s over­ar­ching soft­ware so­lu­tion.

Eb­ner Stolz team: Claus Buh­mann (Part­ner Cor­po­rate Fi­nance, Lead Fi­nan­cial Fact­book and Fi­nan­cial Sell Side Sup­port), Alex­an­der Simbürger, Tors­ten Scho­ebel and Edu­ard Ma­thes (all Fi­nan­cial Fact­book, Fi­nan­cial Sell Side Sup­port), Alex­an­der Eu­ch­ner (Part­ner Tax, Lead Tax Due Di­li­gence and Tax Sell Side Sup­port) as well as An­dreas For­rai (Tax Due Di­li­gence, Tax Sell Side Sup­port)

Press Contact

Dr. Ul­rike Höreth
Eb­ner Stolz
Kro­nen­straße 30
70174 Stutt­gart
Tel.  +49 711 2049-1371

Corporate Contact

Claus Buh­mann
Eb­ner Stolz
Ar­nulf­straße 27
80335 München
Tel. +49 89 549018-251

Alex­an­der Eu­ch­ner
Eb­ner Stolz
Kro­nen­straße 30
70174 Stutt­gart
Tel.  +49 711 2049-1575

About Ebner Stolz

Eb­ner Stolz is one of the lar­gest in­de­pen­dent mid-si­zed MDP firms in Ger­many and is among the Top Ten in the sec­tor. The firm has de­ca­des of in-depth expe­ri­ence in au­diting, tax ad­vice, le­gal ad­vice, and cor­po­rate con­sul­ting. More than 1,400 em­ployees in all ma­jor Ger­man ci­ties and busi­ness cen­tres of­fer a broad range of ser­vices ba­sed on a multi-di­sci­pli­nary ap­proach. Eb­ner Stolz pre­do­mi­nantly ad­vi­ses me­dium-si­zed in­dus­trial en­ter­pri­ses as well as trade and ser­vice com­pa­nies of all si­zes and in­dus­tries.

Cross-bor­der au­diting and con­sul­ting as­si­gn­ments are car­ried out with part­ners of Ne­xia In­ter­na­tio­nal, one of the world’s top ten net­works of in­de­pen­dent con­sul­ting and au­diting firms. With more than 650 Ne­xia of­fices world­wide Eb­ner Stolz is pre­sent in more than 115 coun­tries.

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