
The Firm

Eileen Wu

Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Public Accountant

Eileen Wu Ebner Stolz Neumann Wu Shanghai China


Location Shanghai
Room 1706 | Sinar Mas Plaza | Dong Da Ming Road No. 501
200080 Shanghai

Tel. +86 21 6330 9962-808

Areas of expertise

  • PRC sta­tutory au­dit and group re­por­ting au­dit
  • In­ter­nal au­dit and com­pli­ance re­views
  • Agreed upon pro­ce­du­res
  • Due Di­li­gence

Economic sectors

  • Au­to­mo­tive
  • In­dus­trial ma­nu­fac­tu­ring
  • Trans­port and lo­gistic
  • Con­su­mer mar­kets
  • Che­mi­cal in­dus­try


  • 2000 ad­mis­sion as Cer­ti­fied Pu­blic Ac­coun­tant
  • Pre­viously 8 years of au­diting and due di­li­gence at Big four
  • Pre­viously head of ac­coun­ting and in­ter­nal au­dit at va­rious large com­pa­nies in China


  • Ac­coun­ting, Tax and Le­gal Hand­book China (Edi­tion since 2015)