

Ensuring liquidity

In a cri­sis si­tua­tion, tar­ge­ted com­mu­ni­ca­tion is cru­cial, es­pe­cially with banks and cre­dit in­su­rers. The most im­port­ant thing in these dis­cus­sions is to coor­di­nate the group of fi­nan­cial ba­ckers, find the ba­lance among in­te­rests that are of­ten not alig­ned, and de­ve­lop crea­tive so­lu­ti­ons where nee­ded. It’s im­port­ant to have a de­tai­led un­der­stan­ding of out­side fi­nan­ciers’ view­points – which are con­di­tio­ned by col­la­te­ral, risk re­duc­tion, equal tre­at­ment and for­mal re­qui­re­ments – and to find via­ble so­lu­ti­ons in that set­ting.

To gain an ade­quate time win­dow for an ap­pro­priate ana­ly­sis and to sta­bi­lize ba­ckers, our first prio­rity is to en­sure the com­pany’s near-term abi­lity to meet pay­ments. We sup­port that with such as­pects as ope­ra­ting cash ma­nage­ment and even ba­lance-sheet chan­ges and cor­po­rate ac­tions.

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