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Family and career

Fa­mily or ca­reer. Why does it have to be eit­her one or the other? "Al­ways there" also me­ans that we ac­cept dif­fe­rent life­styles and ca­reer goals and do ever­ything we can to enable our em­ployees at Eb­ner Stolz to ex­pe­ri­ence both. Whe­ther you're pre­gnant with a new idea or an ac­tual baby, at Eb­ner Stolz you can com­bine a happy per­so­nal life with a suc­cess­ful ca­reer.

Does time off to care for child­ren mean that you're off the ca­reer track? Not at Eb­ner Stolz. We main­tain ac­tive con­tact with our em­ployees while they are on pa­ren­tal leave and help them stay up to date in their fields of ex­per­tise, so that they can ea­sily re­join the busi­ness world when they’re re­ady.

Spe­ci­fi­cally we have de­ve­lo­ped va­rious fa­mily-fri­endly plans for our lo­ca­ti­ons to en­sure the best cir­cum­stan­ces for working mo­thers and fa­thers.

The spec­trum in­clu­des

  • cu­stom-tailo­red part-time mo­dels
  • pay­ing some of the costs of child­care or
  • ma­king child care avail­able at a child care in­sti­tu­tion as­so­cia­ted with our firm.

The op­ti­ons vary, de­pen­ding on each per­son's per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal si­tua­tion. The main thing in each case is for every em­ployee to be able com­bine the plea­sure of working with the joy of li­ving!

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