
Tax Advice

Change in VAT Rate and IT Implementation

In view of the Corona cri­sis, the Ger­man go­vern­ment in form of the co­ali­tion com­mit­tee agreed on 3 June 2020 on a com­pre­hen­sive eco­no­mic sti­mu­lus and cri­sis ma­nage­ment pa­ckage. One of the tax mea­su­res is the tem­porary re­duc­tion of the VAT rate from 19 % to 16 % and from 7 % to 5 % from 1.7.2020 to 31.12.2020.

We think that the draft bill will be pro­ces­sed very shortly. Hence, a le­gis­la­tive im­ple­men­ta­tion can be ex­pec­ted in ra­pid speed. Com­pa­nies should the­re­fore quickly gain an over­view of the pos­si­ble ef­fects of the change and take ap­pro­priate con­ver­sion mea­su­res.

In this flyer, we give a first – not con­clu­sive – over­view of im­port­ant points that need to be con­side­red when ma­king ad­just­ments:

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