
Management Consulting

Growth strategy

Eb­ner Stolz helps cor­po­rate ma­nage­ment make cri­ti­cal stra­te­gic de­ci­si­ons with a view toward gro­wing your com­pany, while si­gni­fi­cantly ex­pan­ding the com­pany’s com­pe­ti­tive po­si­tion and safe­guar­ding va­lue for the long term.

In close coope­ra­tion with ma­nage­ment, our spe­cia­lists help struc­ture the stra­te­gic pro­cess ef­fi­ci­ently and in­itiate it suc­cess­fully.We contri­bute our ex­ten­sive know­ledge of in­dus­tries to help you di­ver­sify into new lines of busi­ness and mar­kets. With sys­te­ma­tic con­trol­ling, we then make sure that the stra­tegy and the as­so­cia­ted mea­su­res are in­tro­du­ced on sche­dule, and that de­fi­ned growth tar­gets are in­deed achie­ved.

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