


Wel­come to RSM Eb­ner Stolz in the Han­sea­tic City of Ham­burg! The Ham­burg lo­ca­tion is one of the th­ree lar­gest of­fices of RSM Eb­ner Stolz. We not only of­fer an in­di­vi­dual start to your new pro­fes­sion but also an at­trac­tive working en­viron­ment with flair and a view of the Elb­phil­ha­mo­nie con­cert hall. The cen­tral lo­ca­tion at Rödings­markt pro­vi­des you an ideal con­nec­tion to the bus and rail­way net­work. In ad­di­tion, the ne­arby Ha­fen­city of­fers nu­me­rous re­stau­rants and shops for a re­la­xed lunch break.

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