

JUVE AWARDS 2021: Ebner Stolz wins in the category "Law Firm of the Year for Medium-Sized Businesses"

At JUVE Awards 2021 ce­re­mony at the "Alte Oper" in Frank­furt, Eb­ner Stolz was na­med "Law Firm of the Year for Me­dium-Si­zed Com­pa­nies". The na­ti­onwide re­pre­sen­ted full-ser­vice law firm in com­mer­cial law has stron­gly ex­pan­ded the area of le­gal ad­vice in re­cent years and re­cei­ved the award af­ter being no­mi­na­ted for the first time.

The de­cisive fac­tor for the award was the above-aver­age growth of Eb­ner Stolz's le­gal ser­vices. This has led to Eb­ner Stolz's la­wy­ers being in­cre­asin­gly re­co­gnized th­roug­hout Ger­many. They have scored par­ti­cu­larly well in the areas of tran­sac­tion con­sul­ting, re­struc­tu­ring and IT law. The la­wy­ers have also been able to es­ta­blish them­sel­ves in the mar­ket in the areas of cor­po­rate law, em­ploy­ment law, real es­tate and heath­care, as well as com­mer­cial and cri­mi­nal tax law.

Howe­ver, Eb­ner Stolz's range of ser­vices is not li­mited to busi­ness law. Th­rough close coope­ra­tion with ex­perts from the fields of au­diting, tax and ma­nage­ment con­sul­ting, the com­pany de­li­vers ho­listic so­lu­ti­ons for me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies.

"This award is a great suc­cess for our work. We are very plea­sed that our mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary ap­proach and, es­pe­cially the very po­si­tive de­ve­lop­ment of the le­gal prac­tice have been re­co­gnized and app­re­cia­ted by the mar­ket," said Dr. Jörg R. Ni­ckel, la­wyer, tax ad­vi­sor and part­ner at Eb­ner Stolz's Co­lo­gne of­fice. "The Juve Award "Law Firm of the Year for SMEs" re­flects ex­actly what we stand for: be­cause with our mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary con­sul­ting ap­proach, we ad­vise SMEs in all their mat­ters at the hig­hest le­vel."

"JUVE Ver­lag für ju­ris­ti­sche In­for­ma­tio­nen" is a press publis­her that re­ports on the busi­ness law and tax mar­ket in Ger­many and Aus­tria. Once a year, the publis­her pres­ents the JUVE Awards in va­rious ca­te­go­ries to law firms and cor­po­rate le­gal de­part­ments. JUVE Awards are highly re­gar­ded in the in­dus­try.

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