


Wel­come to our Leip­zig of­fice! Roughly 60 col­lea­gues in au­diting, tax ad­vice and ser­vices look for­ward to mee­ting you. Your new of­fice is in a cen­tral lo­ca­tion close to the main train sta­tion. Nu­me­rous shops and cen­ters are just a short walk away. One spe­cial fea­ture is the daily de­li­very of hot me­als that we eat to­ge­ther in a cozy at­mo­sphere. The sur­roun­ding parks are a great place for re­la­xing walks du­ring the lunch­break.

  • Head­count: ap­pro­xi­mately 60
  • Busi­ness lines: au­diting, tax ad­vice and ser­vices
  • Of­fice plan: sin­gle to th­ree-desk rooms
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