


Our new Mu­nich of­fice fea­tures a large atrium via which you can re­ach the of­fices of RSM Eb­ner Stolz’s Mu­nich of­fice. The ser­vice lines of au­diting, tax ad­vice, cor­po­rate fi­nance, IT and cu­st­oms as well as ma­nage­ment con­sul­tants are all pro­vi­ded un­der one roof. The in­ter­nal can­teen and a ba­rista’s bar are a great place to share lunch. There are also sport of­fers: in ad­di­tion to the run­ning club there is also a weekly sports hour held on our roof ter­race.
Bet­ween West­park and The­re­si­en­wiese are ad­di­tio­nal op­por­tu­nities for a short walk or an eve­ning meal in one of the re­stau­rants in Wes­tend. Di­rect con­nec­tions to the un­der­ground and sub­ur­ban rail net­work as well as par­king spaces for bikes and cars round off the tra­vel con­nec­tions.

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