

About us

In the fields of au­diting and tax ad­vice, Eb­ner Stolz is a real al­ter­na­tive to the Big4 when it co­mes to fin­ding an em­ployer. You will work for small and large cham­pi­ons in the middle mar­ket. In the pro­cess, you might dis­co­ver your spe­cial field of in­te­rest or de­ve­lop your in­te­rests in a tar­ge­ted fa­shion wi­thout lo­sing sight of the busi­ness as a whole. As a mem­ber of a fan­tas­tic team you will pro­fit from the ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­nities for per­so­nal de­ve­lop­ment that our ra­pid growth of­fers.

Steadily gro­wing ac­coun­ting re­qui­re­ments for trans­pa­rency and risk ma­nage­ment mean that au­diting is now much more than just mere fact-che­cking or com­pli­ance tes­ting of the an­nual fi­nan­cial state­ments. As an au­di­tor at Eb­ner Stolz you will be a spar­ring part­ner for middle-mar­ket com­pa­nies and, to­ge­ther with your team, iden­tify op­por­tu­nities and risks in the ope­ra­ting and busi­ness en­viron­ment. You will build up cli­ent re­la­ti­ons­hips at your own in­itia­tive and over the course of time be­come as fa­mi­liar with “your” com­pa­nies as with the back of your hand. Au­diting at Eb­ner Stolz of­fers you a pro­fes­sio­nal en­viron­ment for your spe­cial in­te­rests, such as

  • IFRS
  • Tran­sac­tion Ad­vi­sory Ser­vices
  • Busi­ness va­lua­tion
  • IT au­dits and IT con­sul­ting
  • In­ter­nal au­dit
  • Risk and com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment
  • Re­struc­tu­ring

You will learn to keep your eye on the wi­der busi­ness con­text du­ring the au­dit as well as iden­tify the op­por­tu­nities and po­ten­tial af­for­ded by the coope­ra­tion with our tax ad­vice team and ma­nage­ment con­sul­tants.

In our tax ad­vice team you will ap­ply your ex­ten­sive know­ledge and prac­tical ex­pe­ri­ence to get a grip on the tax as­pects of the middle-mar­ket cli­ents you serve. You will cor­rectly ap­ply the nu­me­rous ru­les and re­gu­la­ti­ons to each spe­ci­fic case and make cle­ver use of the avail­able hea­droom. When the is­sues in­volve in­ter­na­tio­nal tax law, you will solve the is­sues in as­so­cia­tion with our part­ners of our in­ter­na­tio­nal net­work in an un­bu­reau­cra­tic man­ner. In the tax ad­vice busi­ness line you can de­ve­lop and ap­ply your spe­cial in­te­rest to­pics and ex­per­tise on such mat­ters as

  • in­ter­na­tio­nal tax law
  • re­struc­tu­ring
  • cu­st­oms, in­di­rect ta­xa­tion, ex­port le­gis­la­tion
  • tax dis­pu­tes and tax crime law
  • suc­ces­sion is­sues

Re­gard­less of which area of tax law you are in­te­res­ted in, you will ne­ver lose sight of the wi­der busi­ness in­te­rests of your cli­ents, nor the po­ten­tial for Eb­ner Stolz and its fields of busi­ness. You will work par­ti­cu­larly clo­sely with our au­di­tors.

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