
The Firm

Peggy Preuß

Certified Tax Advisor (Germany), Specialist Consultant for Business Succession (DStV e.V.)

Peggy Preuß, Steuerberaterin, Fachberaterin für Unternehmensnachfolge (DStV e.V.) und Partnerin bei RSM Ebner Stolz in Bremen


Areas of expertise

  • Tax ad­vice and struc­tu­ring for me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies and wealthy in­di­vi­du­als
  • Com­pany suc­ces­sion
  • In­heri­tance tax and gift tax
  • Sa­les tax
  • Wage tax

Economic sectors

  • Trade
  • Ser­vice
  • High Net Worth In­di­vi­du­als
  • Me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies
  • Non-pro­fit or­ga­niza­ti­ons


  • Since 2024 Part­ner RSM Eb­ner Stolz
  • Since 2013 Part­ner in a me­dium-si­zed au­diting and tax con­sul­ting firm, Bre­men
  • 2013 Spe­cia­list con­sul­tant for cor­po­rate suc­ces­sion (DStV e.V.)
  • 2000 - 2012 Worked as a tax con­sul­tant in me­dium-si­zed au­diting and tax con­sul­ting firms, Bre­men
  • 2000 Tax con­sul­tant exam
  • 1990 - 2000 Tax as­sis­tant and tax con­sul­tant trai­nee in a me­dium-si­zed tax con­sul­tancy firm, Bre­men
  • 1992 Tax spe­cia­list

Cooperation on professional committees

  • Mem­ber and spea­ker in the tax law ex­pert group since 2000 since 1956
  • 2013 - 2021 Mem­ber of the ex­ami­na­tion board for the tax con­sul­tant ex­ami­na­tion in the state of Bre­men
  • 2004 - 2016 Board mem­ber of the Tax Con­sul­tants As­so­cia­tion in the State of Bre­men e.V.

Personal interests

Any kind of ac­tivity in na­ture

Whoever has the duty to pay ta­xes also has the right to save ta­xes - Hel­mut Schmidt