
Economic Sectors

White paper on the engagement of private equity investors in the outpatient medical market

Our white pa­per "Pri­vate equity in­ves­tors in the Ger­man out­pa­ti­ent mar­ket" pro­vi­des an over­view of the re­gu­latory chal­len­ges and cur­rent PE ac­tivi­ties in the out­pa­ti­ent me­di­cal mar­ket. It also in­clu­des state­ments on tran­sac­tion ac­tivity and re­gu­latory den­sity in the va­rious me­di­cal spe­cial­ties.​

The Ger­man health­care mar­ket has been of great in­te­rest to na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal pri­vate equity in­ves­tors for many years: a stable eco­no­mic star­ting po­si­tion and good pro­spects for the fu­ture lead to in­cre­asing tran­sac­tion ac­tivity. Since 2015, the out­pa­ti­ent me­di­cal mar­ket in par­ti­cu­lar has also been in the fo­cus of many in­ves­tors, as the re­gu­latory frame­work since then has made it pos­si­ble to con­cen­trate on cer­tain spe­cia­list di­sci­plines. In re­cent years, pri­vate equity in­ves­tors have the­re­fore in­cre­asin­gly brought to­ge­ther out­pa­ti­ent me­di­cal fa­ci­li­ties in large struc­tures as part of so-cal­led "buy-and-build" pro­ces­ses.

White paper on the engagement of private equity investors in the outpatient medical market© Adobe Stock
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