
The Firm

RSM Ebner Stolz wins two large teams to build up legal services in Bonn

  • Lo­ca­tion starts with Cor­po­rate/Com­mer­cial, Cor­po­rate/M&A as well as Pu­blic Pro­cu­re­ment and State Aid Law
  • Key areas com­ple­ment the le­gal con­sul­ting port­fo­lio of RSM Eb­ner Stolz
  • RSM Eb­ner Stolz con­ti­nues its na­ti­onwide ex­pan­sion of le­gal ser­vices in Bonn and plans fur­ther ad­di­ti­ons

Bonn, 2 No­vem­ber 2023 - RSM Eb­ner Stolz has strengt­he­ned its le­gal arm with two teams around cor­po­rate re­struc­tu­ring ex­pert Dr. Pierre Gloz­bach and pu­blic pro­cu­re­ment law spe­cia­list Mar­tin Schumm, LL.M., ef­fec­tive Oc­to­ber 1, 2023. This marks the start of the as­surance and con­sul­ting firm's de­ve­lop­ment of a le­gal ad­vi­sory di­vi­sion at its Bonn of­fice af­ter joi­ning the RSM net­work and gi­ves it ac­cess to the stra­te­gi­cally im­port­ant areas of al­ter­na­tive le­gal ser­vices and le­gal ope­ra­ti­ons con­sul­ting, as well as pu­blic pro­cu­re­ment and state aid law con­sul­ting, among others.

Dr. Pierre Gloz­bach (47), who joins RSM Eb­ner Stolz as a part­ner, fo­cu­ses on cor­po­rate com­mer­cial/cor­po­rate re­struc­tu­ring with a par­ti­cu­lar in­dus­try fo­cus on the au­to­mo­tive and mo­bi­lity sec­tor. Due to his many years of in-house work, he also has sub­stan­tial ex­per­tise in the area of al­ter­na­tive le­gal ser­vices and le­gal ope­ra­ti­ons con­sul­ting. Af­ter working at the Lu­ther law firm and as Ge­ne­ral Coun­sel and Chief Com­pli­ance Of­fi­cer of the Zapp Group, Pierre most re­cently ser­ved as Chief Le­gal Of­fi­cer to the in­ter­na­tio­nal au­to­mo­tive supplier Dura/Shi­loh, hel­ping steer it th­rough the re­cent in­dus­try chal­len­ges to­ge­ther with his US-ba­sed col­lea­gue Jo­na­than Green­berg (56), who will shortly join Pierre as coun­sel to RSM Eb­ner Stolz. Pierre and his team also ad­vi­sed and ope­ra­tio­nally sup­por­ted the ow­ner of Dura/Shi­loh, a pri­vate equity in­vest­ment com­pany, in cer­tain cor­po­rate re­struc­tu­ring and re­or­ga­niza­tion mat­ters. In the fu­ture, Pierre will con­ti­nue to ex­pand le­gal ser­vices at RSM Eb­ner Stolz in Bonn, ac­quire in­ter­na­tio­nal cli­ents and pro­vide them with com­pre­hen­sive sup­port wi­thin the scope of al­ter­na­tive le­gal ser­vices and le­gal ope­ra­ti­ons con­sul­ting.

At the same time, RSM Eb­ner Stolz strengt­hens its Cor­po­rate/M&A prac­tice with Ju­stus Groß (41), who joins the Bonn of­fice as coun­sel from Pins­ent Ma­sons. He has many years of tran­sac­tio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence and is pri­ma­rily fo­cu­sed on ad­vi­sing me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies and pri­vate equity houses. Ju­stus Groß star­ted his ca­reer at KPMG Law in 2012 and sup­por­ted the Cor­po­rate/M&A team of Pins­ent Ma­sons in es­ta­blis­hing the Frank­furt of­fice from 2019.

In lar­ger pro­jects, the team of Dr. Pierre Gloz­bach, Jo­na­than Green­berg and Ju­stus Groß, as well as other at­tor­neys, will col­la­bo­rate clo­sely with other de­part­ments and of­fices of RSM Eb­ner Stolz.

Mar­tin Schumm (46), who also joins RSM Eb­ner Stolz as a part­ner, most re­cently hea­ded Mar­tini Mogg Vogt's na­ti­onwide pu­blic pro­cu­re­ment prac­tice af­ter hol­ding po­si­ti­ons, among others, in Heu­king Kühn Luer Wo­jtek's pu­blic sec­tor team. With him, RSM Eb­ner Stolz gains a na­tio­nally re­co­gnized pro­cu­re­ment law spe­cia­list who has made a name for him­self in par­ti­cu­lar in com­plex tech­no­logy part­nerships in the health­care sec­tor as well as in IT pro­cu­re­ment pro­jects. His cli­ents in­clude nu­me­rous mi­nis­tries and uni­ver­sity hos­pi­tals, which re­gu­larly ent­rust him with the con­cep­tual de­sign and mo­ni­to­ring of com­plex pro­cu­re­ment pro­jects. Ano­ther fo­cus of Mar­tin Schumm's work is ad­vi­sing pu­blic trans­port aut­ho­ri­ties, for whom he has de­ve­lo­ped, among other things, a pionee­ring li­cen­sing mo­del for elec­tro­nic ti­cket sa­les. The team clo­sely fol­lows the al­re­ady es­ta­blis­hed sub­sidy prac­tice of the Bonn of­fice around RSM Eb­ner Stolz Part­ner Mar­tin Theis. The two had al­re­ady worked to­ge­ther suc­cess­fully on ma­jor pro­jects on a re­gu­lar ba­sis prior to Schumms' move.

In re­cent years, to­pics re­la­ting to EU state aid law and sub­sidy law have played an in­cre­asin­gly im­port­ant role in pro­ject sup­port. With the ad­di­tion of state aid law ex­pert Va­len­tin Klumb (37), who joins RSM Eb­ner Stolz as coun­sel, the team can com­plete its pro­fes­sio­nal ex­per­tise in this area. Va­len­tin Klumb star­ted his ca­reer at PwC Le­gal in 2014 and es­ta­blis­hed him­self there and sub­se­quently at Mar­tini Mogg Vogt mainly in ad­vi­sing mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties and state aut­ho­ri­ties on pu­blic pro­cu­re­ment law and EU state aid law. He and Mar­tin Schumm have al­re­ady suc­cess­fully ad­vi­sed on pro­jects in the field of pu­blic trans­port and mo­bi­lity to­ge­ther in their for­mer unit in re­cent years.

In ad­di­tion, Se­nior As­so­ciate Lisa Kor­neli and two se­nior con­sul­tants with spe­cia­list back­grounds are joi­ning RSM Eb­ner Stolz. To­ge­ther with th­ree pro­cu­re­ment ma­na­gers, they form the cen­tral pro­cu­re­ment of­fice, which com­pre­hen­si­vely di­gi­tally pro­ces­ses and de­signs ten­ders for cli­ents. The team around Mar­tin Schumm in­tends to fur­ther de­ve­lop the in­te­gra­ted con­sul­ting ap­proach of le­gal pro­ject ma­nage­ment and of­fer it na­ti­onwide from the Bonn of­fice.

"With Dr. Pierre Gloz­bach, Mar­tin Schumm and their teams, we are plea­sed to have gai­ned ex­cel­lent and ex­pe­ri­en­ced la­wy­ers for the de­ve­lop­ment of our le­gal ser­vices in Bonn. On the ba­sis thus crea­ted, we are plan­ning fur­ther ad­di­ti­ons in the com­ing months in or­der to be able to of­fer our cli­ents a full-ser­vice range of le­gal ser­vices on site," says Tors­ten Janßen, au­di­tor, tax ad­vi­sor and part­ner at RSM Eb­ner Stolz.

Press contact

Hen­ning Mar­bur­ger
RSM Eb­ner Stolz
Holz­markt 1
50676 Köln
Phone +49 221 20643-628

Firm contact

Tors­ten Janßen
RSM Eb­ner Stolz
Jo­seph-Schum­pe­ter-Al­lee 25
53227 Bonn
Phone +49 228 58029-212

About RSM Ebner Stolz

RSM Eb­ner Stolz is one of the lar­gest in­de­pen­dent middle-mar­ket as­surance and con­sul­ting firms in Ger­many. The com­pany is among the top ten in the in­dus­try and has broad ex­per­tise in as­surance, tax, le­gal and ma­nage­ment con­sul­ting. With this mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary con­sul­ting ap­proach and as one of the mar­ket lea­ders in the middle-mar­ket sec­tor with more than 2,100 em­ployees at 14 lo­ca­ti­ons, RSM Eb­ner Stolz ser­ves na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal in­dus­trial, com­mer­cial and ser­vice en­ter­pri­ses in all sec­tors.

As a mem­ber of RSM In­ter­na­tio­nal, RSM Eb­ner Stolz of­fers its cli­ents high-qua­lity as­surance and con­sul­ting ser­vices in 120 coun­tries with 830 of­fices world­wide.

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