
Tax Advice

Preliminary draft for a second Future Financing Act

The Fe­deral Mi­nis­try of Fi­nance publis­hed the draft for a se­cond Fu­ture Fi­nan­cing Act (Zu­FinG II) on 27 Au­gust 2024. The draft is in­ten­ded to im­ple­ment the growth in­itia­tive de­ci­ded on 17 July 2024.

With the preli­mi­nary draft, the Fe­deral Mi­nis­try of Fi­nance aims to fur­ther strengt­hen the com­pe­ti­tiv­en­ess and at­trac­tiv­en­ess of Ger­many as a fi­nan­cial cen­tre and, in par­ti­cu­lar, to im­prove fi­nan­cing op­ti­ons for young, dy­na­mic com­pa­nies. In ad­di­tion to chan­ges in nu­me­rous laws and re­gu­la­ti­ons that are in­ten­ded to fa­ci­li­tate ac­cess to the ca­pi­tal mar­ket for com­pa­nies and to pro­mote the ven­ture ca­pi­tal ecosys­tem, the draft also in­clu­des the fol­lo­wing chan­ges in tax law:

  • Ad­just­ment of the In­vest­ment Tax Act to re­move obst­acles to in­vest­ments in re­ne­wable en­er­gies and in­fra­struc­ture
  • Ad­just­ment of the ta­xa­tion of in­vest­ments in com­mer­cial part­nerships by funds fal­ling un­der the In­vest­ment Tax Act
  • In­crease of the ma­xi­mum amount for the trans­fer of hid­den re­ser­ves from the sale of sha­res in cor­po­ra­ti­ons from the cur­rent 500,000 euro to 5,000,000 euro (§ 6b Abs. 10 Sen­tence 1 EStG-E). The change is to be ap­plied for the first time to pro­fits from the sale of cor­po­rate sha­res that are ge­ne­ra­ted in fi­nan­cial years be­gin­ning af­ter the day fol­lo­wing the an­noun­ce­ment of the law.
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