

Internal control systems

Every company wants to avoid economic losses and liability claims arising from the misconduct of employees or management. These risks can be minimized with a standardized and documented internal control system (ICS).

An ef­fi­ci­ent ICS not only im­pro­ves se­cu­rity wi­thin the com­pany, but also crea­tes trans­pa­rency, en­su­res that ope­ra­ting pro­ces­ses run smoothly and thus in­crea­ses the com­pany's suc­cess. Alongs­ide risk ma­nage­ment and in­ter­nal au­diting, an in­ter­nal con­trol sys­tem is the­re­fore a com­po­nent of good cor­po­rate mo­ni­to­ring and ma­nage­ment, the im­port­ance of which has in­crea­sed once again as a re­sult of the re­form of the Ger­man Cor­po­rate Go­ver­nance Code (GCGC 2022).

Howe­ver, im­ple­men­ting an ef­fec­tive in­ter­nal con­trol sys­tem is a chal­lenge for me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies. In ad­di­tion to the fear of high costs and lengthy im­ple­men­ta­tion pro­ces­ses, there is of­ten a lack of staff re­sour­ces.

We are happy to sup­port you in this chal­len­ging task with our many years of ex­pe­ri­ence and spe­cia­list know­ledge. We not only ad­vise you on the im­ple­men­ta­tion of an in­ter­nal con­trol sys­tem tailo­red to your in­di­vi­dual needs, but are also happy to as­sess an exis­ting sys­tem with re­gard to a sen­si­ble fur­ther de­ve­lop­ment.