
Legal Advice

Litigation and Arbitration (Litigation - Dispute Resolution)

Con­flicts are una­vo­ida­ble. This is true in both pri­vate and busi­ness life. If com­mer­cial ne­go­tia­ti­ons are not suc­cess­ful, there is of­ten no al­ter­na­tive but to take le­gal ac­tion in or­der to eit­her en­force one's own claims ef­fi­ci­ently, ward off un­ju­sti­fied claims or re­ach a sett­le­ment wi­thin the frame­work of (ar­bitra­tion) court pro­cee­dings.

If dis­pu­tes arise, we will work to­ge­ther with you on the facts of the case and eva­luate them from a le­gal point of view. Be­fore ta­king pro­ce­du­ral steps, we weigh up the op­por­tu­nities and risks of (ar­bitra­tion) court pro­cee­dings. At our firm, li­ti­ga­tors and ex­perts from all areas of sub­stan­tive com­mer­cial law and com­mer­cial cri­mi­nal law work hand in hand. Our prio­rity is to only in­itiate li­ti­ga­tion pro­cee­dings with an eco­no­mi­cally via­ble stra­tegy. To­ge­ther with you, we will de­ve­lop a com­pre­hen­sive con­flict stra­tegy and, if pos­si­ble, help it to suc­ceed.

We as­sist not only in tra­di­tio­nal ci­vil and com­mer­cial cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings, but also in al­ter­na­tive dis­pute re­so­lu­tion pro­cee­dings. Com­pre­hen­sive as­sis­tance also in­clu­des par­ti­ci­pa­tion in pro­ble­ma­tic share­hol­der and ge­ne­ral mee­tings, as well as the coor­di­na­tion of ci­vil, cri­mi­nal and re­gu­latory in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons and pro­cee­dings in Ger­many and ab­road.