
Legal Advice


From the es­ta­blish­ment of a com­pany to cor­po­rate and real es­tate tran­sac­tions and the struc­tu­ring of com­pany suc­ces­sion - in busi­ness law it is of­ten wor­thwhile to con­sult a la­wyer to find ap­pro­priate so­lu­ti­ons. Howe­ver, con­tracts in these areas of­ten also re­quire no­ta­rial form. A no­tary spe­cia­li­zing in busi­ness law with an of­fice at Eb­ner Stolz's Frank­furt of­fice com­ple­ments Eb­ner Stolz's range of ad­vi­sory ser­vices.

When foun­ding cor­po­ra­ti­ons, the ar­ti­cles of as­so­cia­tion must be no­ta­ri­zed and the for­ma­tion pro­cess must be ac­com­pa­nied by a no­tary up to the point of entry in the re­gis­ter. The sup­port of a no­tary is also re­qui­red for sub­se­quent amend­ments to the ar­ti­cles of as­so­cia­tion, re­struc­tu­ring and ca­pi­tal mea­su­res in close con­sul­ta­tion with tax ad­vi­sors and au­di­tors.

The as­sis­tance of a no­tary is also re­qui­red when con­clu­ding pro­perty purchase and contri­bu­tion agree­ments and when es­ta­blis­hing and trans­fer­ring re­si­den­tial pro­perty. Fur­ther­more, the as­sis­tance of no­ta­ries is re­qui­red in the sale of real es­tate pa­cka­ges by way of as­set or share deals as well as in se­cu­ring lo­ans.

The in­vol­ve­ment of a no­tary is also of­ten ne­cessary in the trans­fer of com­pa­nies and as­sets to the next ge­ne­ra­tion. The le­gal is­sues as­so­cia­ted with the suc­ces­sion of as­sets are com­plex. A no­ta­rial will ac­cu­ra­tely set out the will of the trans­feror, is le­gally se­cure and avo­ids la­ter dis­pu­tes. In ad­di­tion, the trans­fer of as­sets du­ring one's lifetime ma­kes sense from va­rious as­pects. The draf­ting of cor­re­spon­ding con­tracts re­qui­res great care, as tax as­pects as well as fu­ture de­ve­lop­ments must be ta­ken into ac­count with fo­re­sight.

The no­tary holds a pu­blic of­fice. At­tor­ney-at-law and no­tary Pe­ter Holzhäuser pro­vi­des his no­ta­rial ser­vices on his own re­spon­si­bi­lity and out­side the scope of Eb­ner Stolz.

Our services at a glance

  • No­ta­riza­tion of com­pany purchase agree­ments
  • Mea­su­res pur­su­ant to the Ger­man Re­or­ga­niza­tion Act
  • In­cor­po­ra­ti­ons, ge­ne­ral mee­tings and re­struc­tu­rings
  • Ca­pi­tal chan­ges and in­ter-com­pany agree­ments
  • Pledges of sha­res and land char­ges
  • Draf­ting and im­ple­men­ta­tion of real es­tate tran­sac­tions
  • Wills and in­heri­tance con­tracts
  • Con­veyance agree­ments
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