


The start-up scene in Germany is booming. Creativity, courage and the ability of the founders to implement their ideas ensure that numerous innovative ideas are developed in the land of inventors. However, a brilliant business idea is one thing - it is more difficult to implement because of numerous bureaucratic hurdles.

Since in most ca­ses only a small start-up ca­pi­tal is avail­able for the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the idea, not­hing works wi­thout the de­ve­lop­ment of a scalable busi­ness mo­del and a de­tai­led ela­bo­ra­tion in a busi­ness plan. Once this hurdle is over­come, nu­me­rous ques­ti­ons arise: How do I es­ta­blish my com­pany and what should the le­gal frame­work for the young com­pany look like? How do I mi­ni­mize my lia­bi­lity risks? Where do I have to re­gis­ter a busi­ness and do I need a tax num­ber?

If you're in­no­va­tive and crea­tive, you don't usually have too much to do with these bu­reau­cra­tic is­sues. And this is not ne­cessary, be­cause the Eb­ner Stolz start-up team ta­kes care of these is­sues. With our ex­per­tise in busi­ness ad­mi­nis­tra­tion, com­mer­cial law and tax law, we can of­fer you ex­actly what you need to get your busi­ness star­ted. You take care of your busi­ness idea - and we sup­port you in turning it into a suc­cess­ful growth story.