
Tax Advice

Tax Compliance

No mat­ter how care­ful you are, you can ne­ver ent­irely rule out mis­ta­kes in your day-to-day busi­ness ope­ra­ti­ons. That’s why cor­rec­ting tax re­turns of­ten be­co­mes the rule, ra­ther than the ex­cep­tion. But the di­vi­ding line bet­ween this and al­le­ga­ti­ons of tax eva­sion can be very thin in­deed, so it’s vi­tal to avoid lia­bi­lity risk and po­ten­tial cri­mi­nal pro­se­cu­ti­ons for your com­pany and its go­verning bo­dies.

At the same time, though, you don’t want to act as the agent of tax aut­ho­ri­ties, over and above your le­gal ob­li­ga­ti­ons. Tax com­pli­ance al­lows you to do all of this.

Let us help you ex­amine and re­veal the hid­den tax risks in your com­pany. A tax com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment sys­tem gi­ves you the struc­tures you need to stop the th­reat of cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings han­ging over your com­pany. Join forces with tax ex­perts from Eb­ner Stolz to iden­tify the stum­bling blocks in your tax de­part­ment, es­pe­cially where it in­ter­faces with other cen­tral func­tions in your com­pany. We will then use this as a ba­sis for de­ve­lo­ping a tailo­red tax com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment sys­tem for you, gi­ving you a de­tai­led over­view of the po­ten­tial risks and enab­ling you to take ac­tion where you need to.

But tax com­pli­ance of­fers a lot more than this. That’s be­cause ana­ly­zing the work­flows in your tax de­part­ment and the func­tions that pro­cess (tax) data al­lows you to iden­tify po­ten­tial for fur­ther op­ti­miza­tion and enhance ef­fi­ci­ency. Let us help you to le­ver­age this op­por­tu­nity.

Our services at a glance

  • Func­tio­nal ana­ly­sis that iden­ti­fies the sta­tus quo of the tax func­tion
  • Sup­port for pre­pa­ring tax po­li­cies and ma­nu­als that re­flect the tone from the top
  • Risk ana­ly­sis to iden­tify tax risks, joint de­ve­lop­ment of risk con­trol ma­tri­ces
  • Sup­port in im­ple­men­ting the do­cu­men­ta­tion of pro­ce­du­res and pro­ces­ses ba­sed on the iden­ti­fied risk pro­file, plus a tailo­red de­fi­ni­tion of re­spon­si­bi­li­ties
  • Es­ta­blish­ment of over­ar­ching con­trols to en­sure the com­plete and ac­cu­rate for­war­ding of tax-re­la­ted in­for­ma­tion
  • Sup­port in im­ple­men­ting a tax com­pli­ance soft­ware so­lu­tion
  • Buil­ding a mo­du­lar or com­pre­hen­sive (tax) com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment sys­tem (tax-re­la­ted in­ter­nal con­trol sys­tem)
  • Per­for­mance of VAT/pay­roll tax checks
  • Tax com­pli­ance trai­ning
  • Ana­ly­sis of the ap­pro­pria­ten­ess and ef­fec­tiv­en­ess of exis­ting tax com­pli­ance ma­nage­ment sys­tems
  • As­sump­tion of re­spon­si­bi­lity for tax com­pli­ance un­der an out­sour­cing ar­ran­ge­ment
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