
About Us

Our employees

Common goals – common values

Eb­ner Stolz doesn't hire run-of-the-mill con­sul­tants, but selects highly-qua­li­fied in­di­vi­du­als who contri­bute their strengths to cu­st­omi­zed cli­ent con­sul­ting.

We have a col­le­gial cul­ture that is bound to­ge­ther by com­mon goals and va­lues while em­pha­si­zing in­di­vi­dua­lity and in­di­vi­dual in­itia­tive.

Our more than 2,400 em­ployees at 14 lo­ca­ti­ons are bound by a com­mon con­vic­tion: we strive for top per­for­mance and main­tain our com­mon core va­lues, which we are very proud of.

Eb­ner Stolz's highly-qua­li­fied em­ployees bring their own per­so­na­lity and ex­per­tise to bear on each cli­ent’s in­di­vi­dual si­tua­tion. Each per­son's contri­bu­tion to our suc­cess and the suc­cess of our cli­ents is not a ques­tion of age, hier­ar­chy or life ex­pe­ri­ence, but above all a ques­tion of per­so­na­lity.

Our em­ployees are pas­sio­nate about their work. Know­ledge and vi­sion, re­spon­si­bi­lity and trust­wort­hi­ness, fri­end­liness and fair­ness aren't just em­pty words at Eb­ner Stolz: they are what we're all about.

Our com­mon va­lues also form the ba­sis for each in­di­vi­dual's suc­cess­ful growth.

With a com­pre­hen­sive trai­ning pro­gram at our Eb­ner Stolz Aca­demy, we sys­te­ma­ti­cally pre­pare our em­ployees for their work and help them de­ve­lop their po­ten­tial even af­ter they've joi­ned the firm, with re­gu­lar con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion events and soft-skills trai­ning.

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