

The city on the Rhine met the chal­lenge of re­struc­tu­ring head on, mas­te­ring it with aplomb. Pre­viously the cen­ter of go­vern­ment, Bonn had to rea­lign its eco­nomy af­ter the fe­deral go­vern­ment and many mi­nis­tries mo­ved away. To­day the city's eco­no­mic life is cen­te­red around com­pa­nies in the ser­vices sec­tor, which em­ploys about 90% of the city’s work­force. More striking still, the ma­jo­rity of busi­nes­ses in Bonn are me­dium-si­zed. These com­pa­nies pro­vide know­ledge-in­ten­sive ser­vices in the areas of health, me­di­cine, non-tech­ni­cal re­se­arch and con­sul­ting, and fi­nance – areas with out­stan­ding pro­spects for growth. Which goes to show: Bonn has ma­na­ged to find its own way, buil­ding its fu­ture on so­lid, for­ward-loo­king com­pa­nies.

RSM Eb­ner Stolz as­sis­ted Bonn on this jour­ney with its coope­ra­ting teams of ac­coun­tants, au­di­tors, tax ad­vi­sors, at­tor­neys, and busi­ness con­sul­tants, and will also con­ti­nue to do so in the fu­ture as an ex­pert, ef­fi­ci­ent, and in­no­va­tive con­sul­tant for me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies. Lo­ca­ted near the Rhein­aue Park, our Bonn of­fice and its team of 55 em­ployees are re­ady and able to handle your con­cerns. We can also call upon col­lea­gues in our other of­fices at any time, whe­ther to ma­nage na­ti­onwide en­ga­ge­ments or to bring in the help of ad­di­tio­nal spe­cia­lists.  Me­dium-size com­pa­nies can also ope­rate across na­tio­nal boun­da­ries, and RSM Eb­ner Stolz’s ad­vice doesn’t stop at the bor­der, eit­her. Our close coope­ra­tion with con­sul­tants from our in­ter­na­tio­nal net­work en­su­res that RSM Eb­ner Stolz can of­fer the one-stop con­sul­ting ser­vices that me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies need, even for ques­ti­ons of for­eign busi­ness and tax law.

Bonn© Thinkstock

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