

“High pro­duc­tivity, high buy­ing power, and glo­wing pro­spects for the fu­ture” is an apt sum­mary of Dus­sel­dorf’s eco­nomy. Maybe that’s also why so many for­eign in­ves­tors have in­ves­ted in the re­gion – which is ob­vious from the many bran­ches of for­eign com­pa­nies lo­ca­ted in Dus­sel­dorf as well as the many cross-bor­der con­nec­tions of the city’s busi­nes­ses.

A quick sur­vey of the range of in­dus­tries lo­ca­ted in Dus­sel­dorf re­ve­als great di­ver­sity. It’s also clear, though, that the city is ten­ding away from ma­nu­fac­tu­ring in fa­vor of the ser­vices in­dus­try. Fi­nance, com­merce, hos­pi­ta­lity, and trans­por­ta­tion (among others) are par­ti­cu­larly well re­pre­sen­ted. The Dus­sel­dorf Trade Fair, which at­tracts many vi­si­tors from home and ab­road, ma­kes a con­side­ra­ble contri­bu­tion towards streng­the­ning and de­ve­lo­ping the re­gion’s range of in­dus­tries. At the same time, in­dus­trial com­pa­nies and es­pe­cially skil­led tra­des are and re­main the cor­ner­sto­nes of Dus­sel­dorf’s eco­nomy.

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As con­sul­tants in the fields of ac­coun­ting, ta­xes, law and busi­ness, we of­fer as­sis­tance to this wide ar­ray of com­pa­nies so that they can fo­cus on their core busi­ness. RSM Eb­ner Stolz is first and fo­re­most a con­sul­tant for me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies, be­cause we fully un­der­stand the needs of com­pa­nies in this sec­tor and know ex­actly how to tackle pro­blem areas in a tho­rough, ef­fi­ci­ent and prag­ma­tic way. Our re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves in Dus­sel­dorf pro­vide you with ac­cess to the col­lec­tive ex­per­tise of RSM Eb­ner Stolz’s ent­ire na­ti­onwide net­work. Gi­ven the in­ter­na­tio­nal na­ture of the com­pa­nies in the Dus­sel­dorf re­gion, it’s only na­tu­ral that our ser­vices don’t stop at the na­tion’s bor­ders. Be­cause of our close coope­ra­tion with our in­ter­na­tio­nal part­ners, we al­ways have glo­bally trus­ted ex­perts in for­eign busi­ness and tax law by our side to of­fer help and ad­vice. You can find us in the he­art of Dus­sel­dorf.

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