

Shang­hai is one of the lar­gest ci­ties in the world and the most im­port­ant in­dus­trial city in the Peo­ple's Re­pu­blic of China. Its di­rect lo­ca­tion on the Yangtze Ri­ver Delta con­nects Shang­hai with other ma­jor Chi­nese ci­ties and the world. Shang­hai's deep-wa­ter port is the world's lar­gest con­tai­ner port in terms of to­tal tons of cargo hand­led, ma­king Shang­hai the eco­no­mic cen­ter of China.

Shang­hai's rise to the for­efront of China's eco­no­mic mi­ra­cle only be­gan in the 1990s. Mas­sive cen­tral go­vern­ment in­vest­ment in the city en­su­red that it is now the lar­gest and one of the most eco­no­mi­cally de­ve­lo­ped ci­ties in the Peo­ple's Re­pu­blic of China. Due to its stra­te­gi­cally fa­vor­able lo­ca­tion by the sea, the city has been sha­ped by in­ter­na­tio­nal in­flu­en­ces; this is also re­flec­ted in the city's ar­chi­tec­ture to­day. As a re­sult, Shang­hai is also con­side­red the most cos­mo­po­li­tan of China's me­ga­ci­ties. The per­fect con­nec­tion th­rough its port, two air­ports and a dense rail­road net­work to na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal freight traf­fic crea­tes ideal con­di­ti­ons for com­pa­nies in the au­to­mo­tive, che­mi­cal, phar­maceuti­cal, steel and me­cha­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring in­dus­tries. To the north of the city lies the Yangtze Ri­ver Delta, which pro­vi­des fer­tile soil and a good cli­mate. This ma­kes Shang­hai's sur­roun­ding area an im­port­ant cen­ter of Chi­nese agri­cul­ture. In ad­di­tion, Shang­hai is con­side­red the cen­ter of the tex­tile in­dus­try and China's most im­port­ant fi­nan­cial me­tro­po­lis af­ter the Hong Kong Spe­cial Ad­mi­nis­tra­tive Re­gion. Th­rough enor­mous go­vern­ment in­vest­ment in the ban­king sec­tor, Shang­hai has been ac­tively built up as a busi­ness and fi­nan­cial me­tro­po­lis and has since com­pe­ted with Hong Kong for first place as China's fi­nan­cial ca­pi­tal. The Shang­hai Stock Ex­change ope­ned in 1990 and is the most im­port­ant stock ex­change in main­land China. In­ter­na­tio­nally, the city is play­ing an in­cre­asin­gly im­port­ant role as a glo­bal fi­nan­cial me­tro­po­lis. In the ran­king of the most im­port­ant fi­nan­cial cen­ters, it is sur­pas­sed only by New York and Lon­don.

RSM Ebner Stolz Neumann Wu Shanghai China© unsplash

Com­pa­nies in a ra­pidly gro­wing and di­verse lo­ca­tion like Shang­hai need a re­lia­ble part­ner who can an­swer ques­ti­ons in the areas of au­diting, tax con­sul­ting, le­gal con­sul­ting and ma­nage­ment con­sul­ting in a com­pe­tent, un­der­stan­da­ble and prac­tical man­ner. This is ex­actly the part­ner you will find in Eb­ner Stolz Neu­mann Wu. We are a team of pro­fes­sio­nals of­fe­ring per­so­na­li­zed ser­vices in the areas of au­diting, ac­coun­ting and tax con­sul­ting for in­ter­na­tio­nal cli­ents ope­ra­ting in China. In Shang­hai, our ex­perts are there to as­sist you, and they can also call on other col­lea­gues from other RSM Eb­ner Stolz lo­ca­ti­ons as nee­ded.

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