

Ba­den-Würt­tem­berg is one of the stron­gest eco­no­mies and most com­pe­ti­tive re­gi­ons in all of Eu­rope. Al­most half of the em­ployees in its ca­pi­tal Stutt­gart work in the ma­nu­fac­tu­ring in­dus­try, while about 20% work in high-tech. The re­gio­nal ex­port rate is over 50 per­cent, so every other euro is ear­ned in for­eign coun­tries. The main ex­port in­dus­tries in the re­gion of Stutt­gart are the au­to­mo­tive, me­cha­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring, and elec­tri­cal in­dus­tries. Fi­nan­cial ser­vices, IT, mass me­dia and publis­hing com­pa­nies also call it their home. Be­si­des large au­to­mo­tive and IT com­pa­nies, Stutt­gart and Ba­den-Würt­tem­berg are home to many me­dium-si­zed firms--pri­ma­rily en­ga­ged in me­cha­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring and elec­tri­city, but also in al­most all other fields. Many of the com­pa­nies lo­ca­ted here are the world lea­ders in their sec­tor. Nowhere in Ger­many are more pa­tents ap­plied for than in the Stutt­gart re­gion.

With its com­pre­hen­sive and in­te­gra­ted con­sul­ting ser­vices, RSM Eb­ner Stolz is on the same wa­ve­length as the me­dium-si­zed busi­nes­ses that have grown up in Stutt­gart. It of­fers ex­actly what me­dium-si­zed com­pa­nies need: a part­ner that al­ways stands up for all the in­te­rests of its cli­ent and of­fers one-stop con­sul­ting ser­vices. RSM Eb­ner Stolz’s of­fice is in the he­art of Stutt­gart, con­ve­ni­ently lo­ca­ted right next to the cen­tral train sta­tion. 740 cowor­kers of­fer our cli­ents com­pre­hen­sive ad­vice in all ques­ti­ons about ac­coun­ting, ta­xes, law and busi­ness.

Stuttgart© Thinkstock

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