

Cer­tain is­sues can­not be con­side­red in iso­la­tion and from only one per­spec­tive but ra­ther they re­quire ho­listic con­side­ra­tion in or­der to achieve op­ti­mal so­lu­ti­ons. Hence eco­no­mic, le­gal and tax is­sues fre­quently in­ter­act and it could be in­suf­fi­ci­ent to only look at one side of the equa­tion. You can trust in our high le­vel of in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary com­pe­tence as we do not draw a line bet­ween tax, le­gal and busi­ness ad­vice or au­dits. Our team de­li­vers ad­vice from one source - and when things be­come re­ally com­plex and spe­ci­fic, we call on per­sons who pos­sess ex­pert know­ledge.