

Environmental Social Governance (ESG)

Sustainable action in companies has long since ceased to be a niche topic. Increasingly, customers, suppliers, investors, employees and the public sector also have high expectations of medium-sized companies when it comes to incorporating sustainability aspects into business decisions. Sustainability is therefore not only important for companies from a risk management and compliance perspective. The transformation to a sustainable company also offers many opportunities and can be a competitive advantage.

The very term En­viron­men­tal So­cial Go­ver­nance, or ESG for short, ma­kes it clear how com­pre­hen­si­vely SMEs must ap­proach the to­pic: In ad­di­tion to en­viron­men­tal as­pects, so­cial com­pon­ents and cri­te­ria for re­spon­si­ble cor­po­rate ma­nage­ment also come into fo­cus.

The fields of ac­tion con­cern the ent­ire busi­ness ac­tivity as well as the or­ga­niza­tion of com­pa­nies and range from the en­viron­men­tally and cli­mate-fri­endly as well as en­ergy-ef­fi­ci­ent align­ment of pro­ducts and busi­ness pro­ces­ses to trans­pa­rent cor­po­rate ma­nage­ment and con­trol to com­pli­ance with hu­man rights th­roug­hout the ent­ire supply chain. The eco­no­mic, le­gal and tax im­pli­ca­ti­ons of these fac­tors for the busi­ness ac­tivi­ties of com­pa­nies are equally com­plex. Fi­nally, non-fi­nan­cial re­por­ting and its au­diting are also gai­ning re­le­vance for more and more com­pa­nies.

There are nu­me­rous chal­len­ges to over­come when im­ple­men­ting ESG re­qui­re­ments in a com­pany. To achieve the best pos­si­ble re­sult, in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary and cross-the­ma­tic con­sul­ting and a cre­di­ble au­dit are the­re­fore re­qui­red. At Eb­ner Stolz, you can rely on a team from au­diting, tax con­sul­ting, le­gal con­sul­ting and ma­nage­ment con­sul­ting that works hand in hand and de­ve­lops sui­ta­ble so­lu­ti­ons to­ge­ther with you in all re­le­vant sus­tai­na­bi­lity to­pics. To­ge­ther, we will make your com­pany fit for a sus­tai­nable fu­ture.