At all career stages there is a mixture of fixed training blocks and individual training elements offered to all employees. At each stage of your development you will receive the training that best prepares you for your current projects and to prepare you for the next stage of your career, both professionally and personally.
A general distinction is made between basic training and specialist training. All employees of a particular career stage undergo basic training. The program covers both professional and personal development elements. The focus is on both personal and professional development for the current role and any future roles envisaged for the employee (e.g. presentation techniques, chairing meetings).
In your first year at RSM Ebner Stolz you will attend the Consulting Camp. This will teach you customary consulting methods, i.e. our classical toolkit.
You will receive additional special individual training to round off the offer and provide you with the specialist knowledge you need for the situations and project tasks. These training modules cover any special needs and go beyond the general training concept (e.g. financial planning).
Individual training concepts, such as an MBA or a doctorate, are generally supported. RSM Ebner Stolz Management Consultants does not offer any standardized or mandatory programs. Rather it addresses the individual needs of its employees.
Selected colleagues are prepared for the future roles in a specially developed career program known as the Excellence Program.
There is permanent on-the-job training due to the close cooperation between experienced colleagues during project work. Immediately after joining RSM Ebner Stolz Management Consultants you will be assigned the first tasks for you to work on at your own initiative, supported by close contact and exchange with the other colleagues working for the client.