

Our training offers

At all ca­reer sta­ges there is a mix­ture of fi­xed trai­ning blocks and in­di­vi­dual trai­ning ele­ments of­fe­red to all em­ployees. At each stage of your de­ve­lop­ment you will re­ceive the trai­ning that best pre­pa­res you for your cur­rent pro­jects and to pre­pare you for the next stage of your ca­reer, both pro­fes­sio­nally and per­so­nally.

A ge­ne­ral dis­tinc­tion is made bet­ween ba­sic trai­ning and spe­cia­list trai­ning. All em­ployees of a par­ti­cu­lar ca­reer stage un­dergo ba­sic trai­ning. The pro­gram co­vers both pro­fes­sio­nal and per­so­nal de­ve­lop­ment ele­ments. The fo­cus is on both per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal de­ve­lop­ment for the cur­rent role and any fu­ture ro­les en­vi­sa­ged for the em­ployee (e.g. pre­sen­ta­tion tech­ni­ques, chai­ring mee­tings).

In your first year at RSM Eb­ner Stolz you will at­tend the Con­sul­ting Camp. This will teach you cu­st­omary con­sul­ting me­thods, i.e. our clas­si­cal tool­kit.

You will re­ceive ad­di­tio­nal spe­cial in­di­vi­dual trai­ning to round off the of­fer and pro­vide you with the spe­cia­list know­ledge you need for the si­tua­ti­ons and pro­ject tasks. These trai­ning mo­du­les co­ver any spe­cial needs and go beyond the ge­ne­ral trai­ning con­cept (e.g. fi­nan­cial plan­ning).
In­di­vi­dual trai­ning con­cepts, such as an MBA or a doc­to­rate, are ge­ne­rally sup­por­ted. RSM Eb­ner Stolz Ma­nage­ment Con­sul­tants does not of­fer any stan­dar­di­zed or man­datory pro­grams. Ra­ther it ad­dres­ses the in­di­vi­dual needs of its em­ployees.

Selec­ted col­lea­gues are pre­pa­red for the fu­ture ro­les in a spe­cially de­ve­lo­ped ca­reer pro­gram known as the Ex­cel­lence Pro­gram.

There is per­ma­nent on-the-job trai­ning due to the close coope­ra­tion bet­ween ex­pe­ri­en­ced col­lea­gues du­ring pro­ject work. Im­me­dia­tely af­ter joi­ning RSM Eb­ner Stolz Ma­nage­ment Con­sul­tants you will be as­si­gned the first tasks for you to work on at your own in­itia­tive, sup­por­ted by close con­tact and ex­change with the other col­lea­gues working for the cli­ent.

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