en de
Christina Odenthal-Middelhoff
Lawyer, LL.M. (Wirtschaftsstrafrecht), Criminal defense attorney, Compliance Officer (TÜV), Zertifizierter Berater für Steuerstrafrecht (DAA)


  • Cor­po­rate de­fense in tax and white-col­lar cri­mi­nal law
  • In­di­vi­dual de­fense in white-col­lar and tax cri­mi­nal law
  • In­ter­nal com­pany spe­cial in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons
  • Comprehensive implementation, expansion and monitoring of compliance management systems in companies
  • Legal support for the introduction of whistleblower systems in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act and takeover of external ombudsperson function


  • Master's degree in commercial criminal law at the University of Osnabrück
  • Lawyer with a boutique law firm for economic and fiscal criminal law
  • Secondment in the legal and compliance department of a major international corporation
  • With RSM Ebner Stolz since 2019
  • Partner at RSM Ebner Stolz since 2023
  • Ranked by media such as Kanzleimonitor and Handelsblatt/best laywers among the leading lawyers in the fields of compliance and white-collar crime