Strategic alliances
Strategic alliances are in vogue - more and more companies are opening up to the idea of corporate networks and working together with other companies within the framework of projects, contractual co-operations or joint ventures.
Opening up new product and sales markets, reducing costs or accelerating innovation: Key areas of entrepreneurial activity are often easier to tackle if you are not on your own. Instead, they are part of a strategic alliance with others. These can then act as accelerators, while minimising risks and using resources more efficiently.
We understand strategic alliances as co-operations between companies limited to selected business or functional areas. They aim to create mutual synergies and thereby increase the competitiveness of the respective partners. The variety of forms ranges from joint ventures, strategic partnerships, (contractual) co-operations to pure co-operation at project level.
Despite the obvious advantages, it is important to recognise and avoid the risks of alliances at an early stage and to overcome challenges:
Control submission
In a strategic alliance, you have to be prepared to relinquish some of your entrepreneurial control. Decisions can be made that may not be 100% in your own interests. Alliances are managed jointly and must take into account the interests of all partners.
Collaboration can create dependencies that make the organisation vulnerable and threaten its independence. In particular, access to key resources and competences should not be relinquished.
Cultural differences
If the partners have different corporate cultures, it can be difficult to work well together. It won't work without a certain willingness to accept the partner's differences.
If the goals and expectations of the partner companies do not match or change during the collaboration, conflicts can arise that jeopardise the continued existence of the alliance. Conflict management skills are therefore helpful, as is the ability to end a collaboration decisively if the common ground dissolves or the benefits dwindle.
Thanks to our many years of experience in the conceptual development and realisation of alliances, we can increase the probability of success of your project by relying on our expertise and practical know-how. If required, we are at your disposal right from the start, during implementation or at a later stage:
Strategic planning
Support in defining strategic goals, identifying suitable partners and the type of collaboration.
Selection of the partner
‘Neutral authority’ in the alliance partner selection process by objectively assessing their strengths and weaknesses, checking cultural overlaps and anticipating potential risks.
Drafting of contracts
In co-operation with lawyers from RSM Ebner Stolz, they assist in the drafting of contracts and agreements. In doing so, they ensure that the interests of (both) partners are taken into account.
Implementation of the alliance
As part of the actual implementation, help with the implementation and ensure that the necessary processes, technologies and systems are in place - for smooth collaboration between the partners from day 1.
Control instance
Acting as process manager to monitor progress and success from the outset and on an ongoing basis to ensure that objectives and expectations are met.